Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

C Erfinder und Unix Author verstorben

Der Erfinder von C und Co-Author von Unix ist am 8. Oktober diesen Jahres verstorben.
Damit verlässt uns schon der zweite Pionier des Kommunikationszeitalters in einem Monat. Zwar nicht so populär und reich wie Steve Jobs, aber mindestens genauso wenn nicht sogar noch wichtiger für unser heutiges Verständnis von Computern.

Ohne ihn hätten wir weder Betriebssysteme wie Linux und MAC OS, noch Microcomputer, MP3 Player und Waschmaschinen. Ohne Unix gäbe es auch keine Alternative zu Windows und damit auch weniger leistungsfähige Server Systeme, also auch keine Cloud. Und wie sähe erst das Internet aus ohne Unix und C? Ohne C und seine Weiterentwicklungen gäbe es noch nicht einmal die so beliebt gewordenen Kaffeevollautomaten.

Gedenken wir seiner; nehmen wir uns die Zeit kurz inne zu halten und darüber nachzudenken welche Annehmlichkeiten wir Ihm alles zu verdanken haben.

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Using the Skorpion Diagnostic Switch with Wireshark®

One benefit of switched Ethernet technology is that the switch restricts directed messages to only those ports party to the communication. This improves overall network throughput by not burdening end stations with useless traffic. However, this feature makes protocol debugging difficult because a network protocol analyzer tool, like the free, open-source Wireshark, attached to an unused port on the switch cannot observe any directed messages on other ports. In the past, the solution was to change out the switching hub with a repeating hub — but with the Skorpion Diagnostic Switch this is unnecessary.

The Skorpion Diagnostic Switchretains all the virtues of switched Ethernet technology (including Auto-MDIX and auto-negotiation) but with one exception — no address learning. Thus, all messages (directed, multicast, broadcast) are floodedto all switch ports so that network sniffers such as Wireshark can be used to observe all network traffic that passes through the switch. The switch can be permanently installed or carried from one site to another as needs arise. It can be used for control panel installations if you need the ability to diagnose problems in the field. It can also be used in a development environment when debugging code.

The website claims that Wireshark is the world’s foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It supports hundreds of protocols including BACnet thanks to the numerous individuals who support the Wireshark open-source application. It can work with both wired and wireless networks. It is extremely handy when troubleshooting tough network problems as long as you can capture the traffic of interest. With switched Ethernet this can be a problem and that is where the Diagnostic Switch comes into play.
Using the Skorpion Diagnostic Switch with Wireshark calls for some special considerations that are discussed in a recently published Application Note. Topics include:
  • Installing the Diagnostic Switch Temporarily
  • Installing the Diagnostic Switch Permanently
  • The Diagnostic Switch and Embedded Peer-to-Peer Devices
  • The Diagnostic Switch in a Cascaded Switch Network
Download the application note (PDF) to learn more.

!! NEW - EISK8M-100T - NEW !!

Our Skorpion Switch Series gained accession - the newest member is known as EISK8M-100T and is the families long desired managed Switch. This unit provides some convenient additional details, deside well known features of an ordinary Switch. Among others VLAN, SNMP and of course RapidRing® cable redundancy by Contemporary Controls.

More Detailed Information about its features can be found online on our web site, for download in the datasheet or just send us an e-mail and ask us directly.

Unsere Skorpion Switch Serie bekommt Zuwachs. Das neuste Mitglied führt den Namen EISK8M-100T und ist der lang ersehnte managed Switch der Familie. Neben den bekannten Eigenschaften eines Switches bietet dieser so manches zusätzliches Detail. Unter anderem VLAN, SNMP and natürlich redundante Verkabelung mit Contemporary Controls RapidRing® Protokoll.

Detaillierte Informationen zu einzelnen Features finden Sie Online auf unserer Website, zum Download im Datenblatt oder auf direkte Nachfrage bei uns. (e-Mail)